10 Tips To Keep The E-Cigarette In Top Condition


Unfortunately, having an excellent e-cigarette and good liquid at the moment is no guarantee that it will always stay that way. Even the highest quality and best device in the world can accumulate signs of wear over time. It can wear out and suffer from the vape process. Especially when you have paid a lot of money for your device, you naturally want to avoid it giving up the ghost too quickly and being able to keep it in new condition for as long as possible after purchase.

In this article we have therefore compiled ten important tips that will help to keep the e-cigarette in top condition. If you pay attention to all points during use and daily vaping, you will soon notice the first successes. The device works perfectly and the first signs of wear and tear can perhaps even be reversed with a few simple steps. Anyone who is interested in enjoying their vaporizer for as long as possible should definitely read on.


An e-cigarette must inevitably have air holes. This is the only way to ensure that enough air gets to the coil and you can vape at a comfortable temperature. The air holes also ensure that the wick is sufficiently saturated with e-liquid at all times. However, these openings in the e-cigarette also pose quite a risk. If stored incorrectly, e-liquid can get into the holes and that can cause leakage. To prevent this, the e-cigarette should always be kept upright. This can prevent the air space from filling up with liquid.

In addition, the e-cigarette should not be placed near water, simply to keep the risk as low as possible. Direct sunlight is also anything but advisable if you want to enjoy your device for a long time. The same applies to particularly high summer temperatures. Accordingly, during the summer months one can look for a shady and cool place for storage or at least refrain from vaping in full sun and outdoors.


E-cigarettes have already been able to help many people with cigarette withdrawal or at least support them in finally becoming smoke-free and getting away from conventional e-cigarettes. However, despite all the positive effects, they are no less susceptible to external damage. E-cigarettes break even comparatively easily and it is even easier to lose them. A case can help protect sensitive parts of the device from falls and bumps. There are also some storage options with which you can practically hang the e-cigarette around your neck, for example, not only not to lose it but also to protect it from falling. Putting the e-cigarette in your pocket may seem like a good idea at first glance, but you should be careful. Are you looing for wholesale products of vapes? SimbaVapesWholesale is offering Randm Tornado 7000 Bulk Buy in the UK.

Many pants are repeatedly responsible for serious damage to e-cigarettes. For example, if you spontaneously bend in the wrong way, it can easily break the e-cigarette in your trouser pocket. Such an accident usually leaves a suitable, unsightly stain on the e-liquid, which not only shows up conspicuously on the pants, but also gives the careless vaper a strong smell. So, unless you are wearing very loose pants and are particularly alert to what is happening with the e-cigarette, you should not put it in your trouser pocket. Such an accident usually leaves a suitable, unsightly stain on the e-liquid, which not only shows up conspicuously on the pants, but also gives the careless vaper a strong smell. So, unless you are wearing very loose pants and are particularly alert to what is happening with the e-cigarette, you should not put it in your trouser pocket. Such an accident usually leaves a suitable, unsightly stain on the e-liquid, which not only shows up conspicuously on the pants, but also gives the careless vaper a strong smell. So, unless you are wearing very loose pants and are particularly alert to what is happening with the e-cigarette, you should not put it in your trouser pocket.


We have already warned in various posts about letting the e-liquid fill level get too low. If there is not enough e-liquid in the device and you still try to vape, this can lead to burned coils and very battered inner workings of the e-cigarette. Even vaping is anything but pleasant. If the level drops below a certain level, the taste will become foul and burnt, and you will usually have to replace the coil and wick before you can continue vaping. Thorough cleaning is often required to get rid of the burnt taste. The problem can be avoided if you refill the e-liquid regularly and, above all, in good time. However, it is important to note that you should not overfill the tank.


In the end, the quality of the e-liquid also contributes to how pleasant the vaping is. E-Liquid is very sensitive to light and therefore cannot simply be stored anywhere. Many vapers therefore store their liquid in the refrigerator. Some have even had good experiences with storing them in the freezer. But if you leave the small bottle in the blazing heat, maybe even with the lid unscrewed, this has a drastic effect on the taste. This is being falsified more and more, so that in the end you will most likely get annoyed and have to throw away the rest.

If you store your liquids cool, you can also positively influence the shelf life. For those not living alone and perhaps sharing the home with children or even pets, safety should also be an issue. The closure including child safety should always be screwed on tightly and liquid and e-cigarettes should never be left unattended with children. A storage place that is not easily accessible for children and animals is good.


If you make sure that the battery and accumulator are never completely empty before you recharge them, you can drastically increase their lifespan. In addition, you should always plan ahead if you are going to be on the road for a long time and fully charge the technology before leaving. With your batteries and accumulators, you also prefer to keep your distance from excessive temperatures. Good packaging on longer trips can help here. Like our guide! Pay us a visit and check our product Randm Tornado 7000 Wholesale UK at SimbaVapesWholeSale.


Coils are not designed to last. They are only intended for use over a period of a few weeks. The coil should therefore be replaced at least once a month to keep the performance of the e-cigarette high. This also pays off with the taste, which is significantly purer than if you vape with an old coil. Just when you notice a burnt taste or hear a gurgling noise from the e-cigarette, it is usually time to replace the coil. The lifespan of the coil can be increased if you consciously ensure that the wick is always saturated with sufficient e-liquid. Slow vaping, waiting times after refilling and a generally high level in the tank can all help here.


In order to ensure sufficient cleanliness of your own e-cigarette, an important step is to ensure that the device can provide high performance and has a long life. For cleaning, the battery or the rechargeable battery should first be removed. Then the tank and the mouthpiece should be removed, if the anatomy of the device allows it. Hot (but not boiling) water and natural detergents are best for cleaning. Before assembly, the components should dry thoroughly for at least 24 hours.


Dirt and impurities quickly collect on the mouthpiece in particular. These can then block the flow of vapor and cause a loss in performance. Dust also settles here very easily. Cleaning the mouthpiece is much easier than other components of the e-cigarette, which is why this tip can be implemented particularly quickly. To do this, the mouthpiece simply has to be removed once. As a first step, you can blow through it with a little pressure to blow dust out. You can also fold a paper towel or use a cotton swab to absorb any liquids that may be present or to remove larger dirt. In the end, soaking or rinsing with warm water helps here too.


There are usually several screw connections on the e-cigarette. The coil is screwed on, as is the tank. However, if you overdo it and tighten the screws too tightly, this can quickly become a problem. The problem arises at the latest when you want to unscrew the device again. If you have already made the mistake and can no longer loosen the screw connection, it can help to use some rubber band to get a better hold. But you should definitely not use any tools, because you would end up damaging the evaporator and battery with them. If you don't know when you've screwed enough, it helps to be attentive. Many devices snap into place with a clicking sound once the right point is reached.


The battery contacts are the interface between the battery or rechargeable battery and the device itself. If there is coarse dirt here, this can reduce the contact and thus negatively affect the performance of the device. A clean cotton swab should simply be used to clean this. This is a good way to remove dust and other contaminants. Many vapers who have long since given up on e-cigarettes have had great success with this simple cleaning tip, restoring their device to its effectiveness. Even supposedly empty rechargeable batteries or batteries can still give off energy. You can buy R&M Tornado 7000 Wholesale from SimbaVapesWholesale at a very affordable price.

In some cases, however, it is not the contamination that prevents a connection between the battery and the device, but only the contacts are displaced. Depending on the structure of the e-cigarette, the contact may have slipped too far into the recess. If you suspect that the movement is responsible for the drop in performance, you should carefully try to pull the contacts out again with a wooden toothpick. It's usually a matter of millimeters, which is why you should always be careful not to cause major damage.

Of course, these are by no means all measures that can help to increase the lifespan of e-cigarettes. However, these tips cover the most important actions that contribute to maintaining the top quality of your vaporizer. They lay the foundation for enjoying vaping for a long time. If you have any questions, you can reach us at any time via SimbaVapesWholesale.

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